Ss Michael, Gabriel & Raphael

September 29, 2021 all-day

September 29th is the feast of Ss Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. We frequently read of angels in Scripture, but only three are named – Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. They are servants and messengers of God sent to perform a mission.

Gabriel brings the news of the birth of John the Baptist to Zachariah and Elizabeth (Lk 1:11-20) and news of the birth of Jesus to Mary (Lk 1: 26-38).
Michael is the powerful prince of the heavenly host as-signed to battle with the devil and casts him down (Daniel 10:13 and 12:1; Rev 12:7-9).
Raphael wiped away the blindness of Tobit and led Tobias to a happy marriage (Tobit Ch 6)